Métiers D’Art at the MET Chanel Synopsis: See the Paris New-York 2018/19 Métiers d’art show, presented at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Reeltag served as the US production company for Walter Films, a Paris-based production company. Reeltag played a...
Paris – New York 2018/19 Métiers d’art Collection with Soo Joo Park Chanel Synopsis: House ambassador Soo Joo Park wanders in the city after dark wearing Paris – New York 2018/19 Métiers d’art looks, now in boutiques. Reeltag provided Production services...
New York by Soo Joo Chanel Synopsis: Born in Seoul, Soo Joo moved to New York when she was 10 years old… Reeltag served as the US production company for Walter Films, a Paris-based production company. Reeltag played a crucial role in providing a range of...
Waiting For The Fall-Winter 2021/22 Ready-to-Wear Show Chanel Synopsis: Reeltag acted as the US based Production Company for Paris based production company Walter Films. The New York section of the film was a remote shoot with the director directing from Paris....
Literary Rendezvous: Ingeborg Bachmann Chanel Synopsis: For the ninth edition of the Rendez-vous littéraires rue Cambon [Literary Rendezvous at Rue Cambon] dedicated to the poetess, writer and philosopher Ingeborg Bachmann, the House of CHANEL and ambassador and...
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